Listings of all vehicles available from GovDeals. GovDeals provides services to various government agencies that allow them to sell surplus and confiscated items via the Internet. Each participating agency has its own auction rules and regulations and may be subject to government ordinances.
You need to have accounts with GovDeals in order to bid for a vehicle
Some states may not have all the types of vehicle.. Check regularly for updated list
Government Vehicle Sales-All States",
"Private Party Auto Sales-All states",
"US Gov. GSA Vehicle Auctions",
"Other Vehicle Auctions",
"All States-Auctions-Consolidated",
Individual State listings : Based on Availability
ATVs Auctions - All USA"
"Ambulances Auctions- All States",
"Automobile Auctions-All States",
"Boats and Marine - All States",
"Gov. Owned Buses Auctions",
"Garbage Trucks Auctions",
"Motorcycles Auctions",
"RVs and Trailers Auctions",
"SUVs Auctions- All States",
"Trailers Auctions-All states",
"Trucks heavy Duty -All States",
"Trucks below 1 Ton -All states",
"Van Auctions- All states",</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>